June 1996 - After their parents emerge from a 17-year slumber, new cicada larvae
begins life underground.
a young Matt enjoys his summer vacation overdosing on video games like Earthbound,
Street Fighter Alpha, and whatever else he can get his hands on. His final days
of the season are spent hurriedly downloading as many Duke Nukem 3D levels as
possible on a 28.8 dialup connection to this “internet” thing, and punching his
way through Tekken 2.
June 2013 - After 17 long years, the
cicadas see the light of day. An older Matt, dejectedly driving to work,
sees his first freshly-hatched cicada. It flies straight into his windshield
and explodes. (Uh, sorry about that, little guy.)
returning home, Matt plays Super Street Fighter IV and plans his next playthrough
of Earthbound.
circle of life is complete.