Monday, December 12, 2016

On Gaming, Then and Now

Gaming Then: Oh boy! I just got a new game! I'm going to go home and play it right now!
Gaming Now: Oh boy! I just got a new game! I'm going to paint my house, wax the dog and shave grandma while I wait for it to install, download the updates, sync my trophies, steal my credit card numbers and reboot my toaster. Maybe I'll get to play next week.

Gaming Then: You get pissed off that your friend is hogging the controller and you have to settle with just watching someone play.
Gaming Now: We willingly watch someone else play video games on YouTube and Twitch instead of doing it ourselves. Some of us pay for the privilege.

Gaming Then: Let’s play Mega Man!
Gaming Now: Who’s Mega Man?

Gaming Then: Tilting the game in the system ever so slightly might result in some fun and crazy glitches!
Gaming Now: Tilting the game in the system ever so slightly might result in a $400 paperweight.

Gaming Then: Jump, Mario! Jump! …JUMP, DAMNIT! No! ARRRG!
Gaming Now: Jump, Mario! Jump! …JUMP, DAMNIT! No! ARRRG!