Sunday, September 15, 2013

Just keep mashing, just keep mashing...

I always said that the Soul Calibur series is for button mashers. So I popped in SCV today, set one of the attack buttons to auto fire, and put my wallet on it to hold it down. My wallet is currently halfway through the game and officially more skilled than me.

Sweet, sweet vindication.

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Circle of Life

June 1996 - After their parents emerge from a 17-year slumber, new cicada larvae begins life underground.

Meanwhile, a young Matt enjoys his summer vacation overdosing on video games like Earthbound, Street Fighter Alpha, and whatever else he can get his hands on. His final days of the season are spent hurriedly downloading as many Duke Nukem 3D levels as possible on a 28.8 dialup connection to this “internet” thing, and punching his way through Tekken 2.

June 2013 - After 17 long years, the cicadas see the light of day. An older Matt, dejectedly driving to work, sees his first freshly-hatched cicada. It flies straight into his windshield and explodes. (Uh, sorry about that, little guy.)

Upon returning home, Matt plays Super Street Fighter IV and plans his next playthrough of Earthbound.

The circle of life is complete. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Of Wii U and Wieners

Girl in the middle saw our posts before they were deleted, apparently.

On a Wii U, users can post drawings for other players to see as they progress through a game. One day, as entirely sober adults, my cousin and I drew a man mooning the camera and later, a big ol' wiener. About ten minutes later, we discovered that we had been banned from posting for awhile. 

This means that there is someone at Nintendo whose job is to sift through thousands of posts looking for crudely drawn wieners and the like at all hours of the day.

And this amuses me greatly.